Thursday, March 26, 2009

rehab much?

yeah um okay. yesterday ms. rihanna got tatted up. she got the stars , numbers and the shh already so what else could she have possibly wanted? hmmmmm.....i know!!!! FUCKING GUNS!!!.....her recent tattoo's have scared many fans and people in general. i hope she did not get guns because of what happened with her and chris brown because if so that's sad cuz his raggedy ass aint worth it. she should have got hearts something more girly because the guns are very scary. i believe she needs to just take time out for herself write music and then in the summer come out with a banging number one single and stay away from the ammunition shops. i wish her and chris brown the best and for them to remain cool and calm because them doing crazy things will just make the situation worse. now if she starts to do crazy psychotic things then rehab it is and justin aint going with her. (he's too busy with ciara ;-) )

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