Sunday, April 12, 2009

brittney part 2

Your probably thinking what I'm thinking lols. Wtf is this shit lols. Omgee. When I seen this shit all i could do was just laugh, i mean what else is there to do lols. im guessing she didn't see the outcome when brittney did the same shit. i mean does cassie need that much attention because she got enough attention when she was on youtube giving dudes head i mean if thats not enough attention then tell me what is. idk celebs are making me laugh now a days like crazy because of the shit they do for attention. she looks like a fucking asian boy like seriously. get a life cassie. so um yeh whos next to shave their head.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

she's bad lol

Lol....Now doesn't Rihanna look like Micheal Jackson's baby sister. Janet move over lol. I mean I like Rihanna's new look, but she looks exactly like Micheal Jackson which is kinda just um a bit scary. Now Rihanna don't go and play with little boy's booty holes, because your brother Micheal said it runs in the family lol. I love bascically most of Rihanna's hairstyles because she likes to try new things. Their so nice in fact I even got my hair done like hers, you know the bob or what ever it was. Yeah, so um Rihanna for now stay away from Neverlands and the Jerry curl juice =). And remember gas stations are not your friends.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ray j number 2?

O boy. Literally, oh boy! I was starting to wonder where Omarion went and what he was doing. Does any one know what he has been up to? "Oooo, pick me"!!!!! This dude is out making a sex tape. -pause-. Why? I thought we had enough of Ray j and that smut bag Kim Kardashian. I guess it's a fad between r&b singers to just fuck up their careers. Don't nobody want to see Omarion getting his dick sucked while singing "Touch". And did you all hear. His girl well wife is an ex-stripper. Lols..Way to go Omarion!!! She is the type of chick you bring home to your parents ;-). I also heard that the person filming the action was a good female friend of theirs. Hmmmm. I don't think it was. I believe it was Chris Pokes I mean Chris Stokes. Word of advice Omarion, Ray J been did the sex tape r&b singer with a non celeb slut thing, why would you do it? It's not funny anymore. It's rather sad. It actually started getting sad once R. Kelly pissed on that little girl but anywho!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

she's britney bitch!

Well, my girl Britney Spears is on tour as we speak and killing fans with great entertainment. For some mother's the entertainment is a little too risky. There has been a little bit of a controversy about Britney's most recent performances. Some parents are saying she's forcing her sexiness and over doing it. They don't think her shows are appropriate for young girls. Well my opinion on this is um, if it's so "r rated" then um TAKE YOUR DAUGHTERS THE FUCK HOME! Trust me those mothers should really shut the fuck up because their daughters are probably the same girls who are the smuts of their high schools. I can't stand parents like that. Like don't you all have jobs to attend, or dinner to cook, or dicks to suck. Like if teens are cool with what they watch and listen to, then I think parents should just hop all the way off. Britney keep doing you boo boo and let those mothers hate. Now doesn't that sound weird, "let those mothers hate" lols.

man down!

I had to do a blog about my girl Keyshia Cole. Well actually the blog is not about her, it's about her interesting mother. Well she's not that interesting but I heard something interesting about her. Besides the fact that Keyshia's mother is a "recovering crackhead", she has been in the spotlight. Recently in the news it said that Keyshia's mother was in a fatal accident and died. Well like most news, it was bullshit. Ain't shit happened to that lady. She's sitting on her couch right now on the pipe. I hate when the news does shit like that. Like I could see if Keyshia Cole died then maybe it would be important. But it was her mother, who gives a fuck. I'm not trying to be mean, but her mom is not even a celebrity and she gets the same amount of camera action as her star daughter. Now I know yall seen the show, the whole damn family got fucking issues lols. But that's besides the point. Keyshia, try to get more of the action than your mom dukes next time.

girls just wanna have fun!

Yeah apparently ms. Miley Cyrus was having too much fun. I know everyone heard about what Miley Cyrus did at the 2OO9 kid's choice awards. Well if you don't know I'll let you in on it. The Rock, which was the host and I don't know why, surprised Miley with an award. The award was for best female artist of the year voted by the kids. And as soon as he gave it to her it was a wrap. The bitch started balling her eyes out. I'm sorry Miley for calling you a bitch but come on. that was some great acting. I seen no tears or anything but it was good. I don't think the award was that good enough to cry over. Kids don't know what they want, apparently not because they voted for you. Lols sorry nosa Miley is a good musician for kids. Now a role model for them, fuck that. hell no she ain't.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dead and Gone

Wow so yeah. My boy T.I. recently got sentenced on March 27 2OO9. He is facing a year and a day in prison for armed weapons. -coughs- Wait a minute. Did you just say a year and a day. LMAO. Like they showed him no sympathy at all. It's funny to me. Not only did they say, "T.I. your sentenced to a year in a prison", they were like "T.I. we forgot, we added one more day to that". Lol. Wow that's sad. They were not playing with his ass. They want him to suffer one extra day. But T.i. is a solider even though he is 5 foot nothing and shops at the Baby GAP lmao. Nosa just kidding. Anyways I pray for him and his family because it's not going to be easy. But homeboy will do just fine.

Lady Blah Blah

-coughs- Um really who is this chick lol? I don't know. My best friend says she's whack and I should blog about it, so here I am. I only heard of two songs by her but I still don't know who this chick is. Her style is rather funny you know the futuristic shit lol. Her music annoys me. I tried to get into it but it was so hard lol. Every time I hear her I just say Lady Blah Blah lol. And by the way, why do they even play her on Jamn 94.5 That confused the hell out of me lol. It was so random. I don't know this chick to me is hilarious. She's just her I guess. Maybe I'll give Lady Blah Blah another chance..... SIKE! =)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Okay when I heard about this, it was a shock but I don't believe it. No one has actual proof, but rumor has it Rihanna was out with Hollywood's it boy Brody Jenner. They went out to club Deluxe and was accused of flirting with one another. Everyone is considering Brody as Rihanna's rebound guy ever since the incident with her use to be boyfriend Chris Brown. I believe Rihanna is just having fun and she is not actually linked to anyone just yet. If she is then I believe it's too early anyways in this stage of the game. I mean if their dating, good for them because they make a cute couple. Until I hear her say shes dating him, or see some exclusive pics then I will believe it, but until then everyone enjoy spring break =).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

rehab much?

yeah um okay. yesterday ms. rihanna got tatted up. she got the stars , numbers and the shh already so what else could she have possibly wanted? hmmmmm.....i know!!!! FUCKING GUNS!!!.....her recent tattoo's have scared many fans and people in general. i hope she did not get guns because of what happened with her and chris brown because if so that's sad cuz his raggedy ass aint worth it. she should have got hearts something more girly because the guns are very scary. i believe she needs to just take time out for herself write music and then in the summer come out with a banging number one single and stay away from the ammunition shops. i wish her and chris brown the best and for them to remain cool and calm because them doing crazy things will just make the situation worse. now if she starts to do crazy psychotic things then rehab it is and justin aint going with her. (he's too busy with ciara ;-) )

yes we can?

well, i am here again people to give an update this time on our new president barack obama. so far people are already questioning our president's abilities. i think everyone should just cool it. it's not like he can create miracles. i believe he is doing the best he can at this moment. don't get me wrong so far i'm not agreeing with everything he is doing, but you got to admit he's better than bush. one thing for sure that is pissing me off though is how the media is focusing too much attention on his children and his personal life. like the time when they made a big deal that he bought his kids a swing set......(cricket) who cares? there are more important things to worry about then his children flying in the air..basically barack keep up the good work, try harder and i know you cant make miracles happen so everyone just take a chill pill and let him work his magic. and everyone is bringing up the fact that he's not experienced at running anything..well um you dumb asses knew that shit before you voted his ass in office, its a bit too late to be having doubts....get a life!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

she's turning me off

i knew it was only a matter of time till this bitch started talking shit. if you don't know (which a lot of people don't) this is keri hilson. she has wrote for many of your favorite recording artist. recently she stopped writing for others, and took some time out to write for herself. she also recently dropped her first debut album entitled "in a perfect world" yesterday march 24th 2OO9. Out of all the singles she dropped from the album only one hit the charts non stop which was "turning me on" featuring the one and only lil wayne. now the only reason that shit was good was because of lil wayne. how in the hell can you write dope songs for other artist and cant do that shit for yourself. well recently she leaked out the remix to "turning me on". after many heard the remix, they pin pointed how it seemed like she was attacking two specific female artist in the industry. the artist were allegedly beyonce and ciara. they thought these things due to her saying smart remarks such as "you need to go have some babies, you need to sit down you fadin…" "just check the credits ho … catch me in Decatur ho"(had to of been talking about ciara because they both from atlanta) "you can dance, she can sing but chu need to move it to the left".....hmmm I heard enough.....ciara was recently at a radio station with keri hilson's main man polow de don. they called up keri surprisingly to ask her about the situation while ciara was present in the building, mind you the girl ciara was pissed cuz they were suppose to be cool and shit. when the interview was going they never told her ciara was there, until ciara spoke up cuz she was getting even madder.. when she got on the phone and realized that ciara was also there, she started to flake up and say she never spoke bad about cici and b.....and the song was just how she was feeling, and it was not about anyone..............hmm????????????????can someone say BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! this bitch is dumb crazy. why would she attack two of the most dopest chicks in the music industry. when that bitch get a hit and her ablum go platinum in a week like b and cici then maybe she can talk shit but until then sit yah dusty ass down and take that shiitt to the left to the left cuz you turned me all the way off.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Ok, so you already know I was going to write about this shieeett. Wow, I guess cuz you smile dont necessarily mean your happy. Right? Well as everyone knows rihanna and chris brown are having a little trouble in love paradise. Fans know this due to the incident that occured the night of the grammy's. Now everyone is on the internet posting blogs about the details of the incident, but Im just going to give some advice to others. Personally ihts their buisness and everyone should stay out of it. Im not posting my true feelings about the situation because truthfully ihts their deal not mine. If he did beat her and she ended up going back to him then thats her problem not anyone elses. I honestly think its a waiste of time that everyone focuses their attention on this. Let it go. It happened. She moved on and I think everyone else should. There are more important things going on than rihanna getting beat up. Anyways, basically I wish them the best and advise everyone to mind their buisness. -rehab check =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Britney B****

So I'm guessing Britney is back. I'm proud of her. Shes back and full throttle. She recently released her new album entitled "Circus", with top charts first single "Womanizer". Weeks after success of her first single, she then released her 2nd single entitled "Circus". Like others i thought Womanizer was a single and that's it. Then i watched her documentary, and really listened to "Womanizer" and knew Britney was not done. The song "Circus" is a hit let alone the video. It seems Britney meant it when she said she is back. For her comeback, she has been earning several awards and her songs have hit number one on the Billboard Charts. Her album had even reached number one within 2 weeks. I'm beyond proud of her now. I'm excited to see what Ms. Britney Spears will bring in the year 2OO9. We shall see. But for now, Congrats Brit!

"The Hills" should Chill!

Okay. We have gone through 4 seasons of The Hills, and I heard their not done yet. Wtf. I think they should just let it go. And by making The City a spin-off did not help. The show honestly is getting played out. I got fed up of watching the same thing each week. If you watch each episode carefully since the first season, you would realize all the damn drama in each is the same. The drama is not even real at that. If i had issues with someone, you would not catch me posted up in pics with them the next day. I believe the whole show is scripted. The drama is not even surreal. Idk. I believe if you keep watching the show, your nuts. I only could stand Laguna Beach for a certain amount of time. I mean The Hills was cool until the same issues kept appearing. Lauren and the rest of them need to just get over themselves.